Experience-based training

“For us, ‘the eleventh commandment’ is an important tool when designing an activity: How do I want to receive education, training, or exercise myself? Then teach in this way as well!
~ William Cuijpers

Our teaching methodology

Our teaching, training, and practices are unique experience-based rather than pure knowledge transfer.

Features of our unique training methods are:

  • Next to science and theories, we base our teaching material on facts and practical experience.
  • Seek different ways of achieving the desired result.
  • Ensure the intended results are engaging and fit for purpose
  • Uses a wide variety of working methods to accommodate all learning preferences, participants continuously work with real cases and short, concise assignments
  • Practice repeatedly and often, particularly with members of the other columns and chains and crisis partners.
  • Combine classroom teaching with e-learning, online learning, and building a portfolio, this is called blended learning.
It is amazing to share my knowledge and experience with the participants of a training. Collaboration is my keyword. You won’t work alone in a disaster or crisis, and you can achieve great results by working together, listening to each other and showing vulnerability.
~Wilma Vierhuizen


If and when required, we can arrange guest presentations, study visists, off site excursions, and short internships, to improve the learning path.

Blended learning

Competencies Toolbox

Most learning objectives are about the processes, procedures, and required competencies of a position or team. The individual should gain attendance as well.

It is important to improve general competence such as output-oriented working and acting, flexible working, being able and daring to improvise, and coping/regulating/reducing stress.

Cuijpers Consultancy has developed a Competencies Toolbox for the specific and generic competencies:

  • Participants experience the importance and benefits of the right competencies in a playful way. And the (further) development of competencies.
  • The pitfalls of the competencies are also discussed: how do you recognize that competency is (too) dominant for you, how do you recognize that you apply a competency unilaterally, and how can you avoid these pitfalls?
  • Many thoughts and actions happen according to a fixed pattern (also called a mechanism). Which is useful most of the time, but sometimes it causes hindrance. The toolbox helps you break through obstructive patterns.
Schermafbeelding 2022-02-09 140925

Experience-based training


Kies een cursus/evenement*
  • 11 december 2023 (13:00- 16.00 uur Verdiepingstraining (fysiek) Plotters en Notulisten/verslagleggers (VRBZO)
  • 30 januari 2024 (09:00 tot 12:00) - Training/oefening Communicatieadviseur BT
  • 30 januari 2024 (13:00 tot 16:00) - Training/oefening Communicatieadviseur BT
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