Crisis management, disaster relief, crisis communication
Cuijpers Consultancy
About us
As an organization, we wish to contribute to more efficient crisis management, disaster relief, and crisis communication in the Netherlands.
It is crucial that crisis officers in government institutions and companies are fully prepared for their roles and tasks. It is our task to train them effectively and efficiently. During our training courses and simulations, we use real-life examples in order to simulate the situations as realistically as possible.
- We put acquired knowledge and skills into practice and refine them where necessary
- We apply ‘experiential learning methods’ instead of pure knowledge transfer
- We bring the employees of different columns, chain partners, and crisis partners into contact with each other
- We deliver high quality efficiently and at a lower cost, making us competitive
- We are customer-oriented and deliver the agreed quality
- We act safely and environmentally conscious
- We offer employees challenging work with a decisive organization
Report accreditation:
"Our assessment committee believes that their experience clearly shows that your range of education, training, and simulation exercises matched our expectations. You have therefore scored an 'excellent' on this assignment."
"Cuijpers Consultancy scored an 'excellent' in this section. The assessment committee believes that your organization had the necessary access to industry-experienced trainers and external parties to guarantee quality."
Monique Bonsen-Lemmers, mayor of the Municipality of Koggenland:
“I followed a number of digital classes, including the digital class Media Contacts in (imminent) disasters and crisis and ‘bestuurlijke netwerkkaarten’. These lessons are very informative and there is plenty of room for interaction.
William Cuijpers ensures a pleasant working atmosphere. I did also experience this in a live example during a crisis exercise for the GBT, organized by the North Holland North Safety Region. William knows how to use his extensive experience and expertise in a good, value-free way.
Many thanks! It was a very nice training and I learned a lot. So compliments! I definitely recommend the training!"
Drs. Karen Ottens, General Commander Population Care, Twente safety region:
“I followed my training at Cuijpers Consultancy. The trainers do not only explain the theory very clearly, but taught me how to apply it during a crisis.
The training was very practical and interactive. I have experienced an enormous involvement of the trainers with the students, in the support between the training sessions and in the run-up to the exam.
I wish every new officer in crisis management a training from Cuijpers!
This will give a solid foundation for a professional crisis organization.
And again many thanks for the training!”
Erik van Zuylen, Alderman of the municipality Alphen aan den Rijn:
I think it was important for me to be prepared in order to be able to perform my duties well.
1. The digital class really brings to life what a Mayor can be confronted with. I think the essence here is to always be aware of one’s own specific role and position.
2. William’s anecdotes from his great experience are very fascinating. And sometimes entertaining because of the recognizability: For example, the story of the mayor who came to the scene of a fire on his own, and forgot to check whether his employees would also be there.